Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The End of the year and 2.0

Well, the silly season is upon us and the books are coming in thick and fast, don't know why the shops can't except our books and as for that soap 'the Librarian's' how many of you have cleaned up "things" out of your book chutes since that has been on air. We should have a class action against the ABC!
The reference area is vacant, the graffiti cleaned up, Santa is about to arrive but wait we have the Summer read and the Summer holiday program and if all doesn't interest you,you can still use the internet.................Happy holidays

Thursday, November 29, 2007

#23 Final Learning 2.0

I quite enjoyed running through this exercise although time was a factor needed to get things done at home rather than in the office. I did learn a few new websites and few new tricks, some useful some not. In general I think everyone should have a go at this exercise, one to learn what a blog is and then the fun things available.
Thank you Learning 2.0

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

#22 Ebooks

I love Audio books in general so you are talking to the do need to love the reader though. I once had a series of books and by the time I got to the third book the library had bought an audio book published by a different company so that meant a change of reader so after about 20 cassettes I then had a "different character voice" I can see that ebooks would be very useful to children who don't read but who love their Ipods! Courier drivers! & Outback travellers..

#21 Podcasting

I find the is a useful site in general for most things new in the land of 2.0. They seem to be on top of technology and what the public want. They also have a lot more money to spend or employ someone fulltime on this venture!
Of course there is also video podcasting and their page is also great.
I can see this as useful for the web page as an instructional tool...

#20 Every Mum's You Tube

I feel every Mum worker should have access to You tube for stress release!

Monday, November 5, 2007

#19 Web 2.0 awards

I like the usefulness (or not) of the cocktail builder! Great for using up the little bits of alcohol in the cupboard. (if one was bored) Wouldn't be too good for the teenages......goodness knows what they could mix up!

Friday, November 2, 2007

#18 Online productivity

I'm a lover of Google Zoho doesn't get my vote. I can see the benefits of using this if you are away from your home computer, or you don't want to buy the software.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

#17 Playing around with PBwiki

I could get hooked on the plcmclearning PBwiki travel page.........Ljubljana
So many places to see so little time.........retirement is looking good for me, but how can I convince my husband to keep working??

# 16 So what's in a wiki?

Wiki's are a very useful tool. I can see a use for them in public library's. We ran an activity where people could leave comment about a book they had read to be wrapped (an extra sleeve) around the book for the next person to read and decide whether they agreed with the previous person or the publishers comment this could be useful to set up in Wiki.
Similar to the Booklovers-Princeton Public Library.

#15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and into the future

I'm not too sure where technology is going to take us in the has already come further and a lot quicker than I would have imagined a couple of decades ago when I started in a small country library using the brown's card system. The years seemed to have flown past!
The articles were interesting reading as are reading the comment made by everyone on this exercise.

Monday, October 22, 2007

#14 Technorarti

I just wondering how or when I would want to use this especially in a library situation. Afterall this is not necessarily 'factual' information. A lot is heresay or down right junk.
I guess if you are just playing around for fun and you require links.........or see what others thought or perhaps it's great for business and you could link your business name!!!

# 13

Well one could say this is a time waster, but addictive. Bookmarking is useful for business' and I can see how you can have all your links listed and would be great used in a family/wedding/ gathering blog. Maybe even Genealogy could be used. You can be describing Grandma and up she pops in photo form and a bit about her history!
I see it like a web page but you go off on different tangents.......the further you search the further you go and sometimes you only find yourself or your bookmark by looking for it again.
Schools/Kids pages could use this for kids that love to follow paths, like the choose a path or pick a page storybooks.
All in all a great learning tool.

Friday, October 12, 2007

#11 Library Thing

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One forgets that we read some great literature during our years at high school. Above is a small sample of my English lit. classes from years gone by. One of these books, My Brother Jack was recently, well a couple of years ago made into a mini series for television. This made the public aware of the book and the library had to buy new copies. Just shows you that television, movies etc still have links back to literature. One of the English subjects for Yr 12 students these days is books that have been made into films. How often do we see a book title becoming popular after the film is released. Shakespeare has never been so popular!

# 10 Image generators

#9 Finding feeds that I like!

#8 RSS - My Yahoo

I have 'My Yahoo' already set up with most of the feeds I like. I do like the ability to set up my stock market fantasies apart from the headlines and weather. I have now added Unshelved for a little more humour in my day.
So I'm going to give Bloglines a miss this time round. I'm sure Bloglines is a great service but there is only so much you can join online.

Friday, September 28, 2007

#7 This card should be called FAT Chance

Make your own clipart like this @ www.TXT2PIC.comTechnology is sooooo consuming of our free time..... society is becoming reliant on power!
It's no wonder that ozone layer is diminishing.
I'm like everyone else wanting to use or see what is new. I would dearly love one of these new wizz bang digital camera's that takes 25 shots in 5 seconds.......they make for great holiday photos.
Then be able to run them through my big flat screen TV and publish them to the web for my family or friends to view from all over the world.
Possibly this is one of the best things I do love is the ability to contact family or friends at anytime anywhere. I can see what they have been up to or where they have been even before they come home. Email has brought the world closer together for those who want to learn........but I do so love getting a snail mail letter from Nan says my 25yr old.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

#6 Geelong Football Club

Geelong Football Club
Originally uploaded by kirpy
Go CATS go!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

#5 Gregory of Nin

Gregory of Nin
Originally uploaded by secret secretary
Pity I can't find the Geelong logo to upload.....Gregory of Nin will have to do!
This rather imposing fellow is from Split a town in Croatia. You may be able to see the library bag at his foot, even the gentleman walking gauge the size of him.

Friday, September 21, 2007

Only one thing to say today.......GO GEELONG!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

technology passes us by.........

Well the day hasn't yet begun work wise but I'm already at it, the washing is done, my facebook entry checked...........that's another modern wonder that the internet has given us. I have just made contact with a family member who has a copy of the family tree so here's hoping I don't have to do all the work. It's amazing how many people one loses contact with over the years.
Was only listening to the radio and a discussion on family names and hyphenated names. Once you get past two you can choose! I ask you. I reckon check the spelling and anything you don't have to spell out to the pen pushers (keyboard gits) is great....but alas I chose what I thought was the simpler one and still spell it out!
Someone of my era (my god I sound ancient) can either keep up with modern technology or let it slip by...then how would I keep up with the political prowess of Mr's Rudd & Howard minders!!!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Well another day has just often are we expected to add to this blog?
I see no one has even bothered to read or comment or answer my questions!
But today is the last day of the working week for me. Another glorious long weekend...but alas this one might be a DVD weekend or a good book. I have just started reading Aphelion : a novel / Emily Ballou. so I'm set if it does decide to rain.
Rain that is another thing. I'm sure the next generation of children will never know what Gumboots are!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

#3 New Start

This is an experiment. I really don't like publishing things to the internet. I did start a Facebook page at the insistance of my two daughters. I must say it's fun keeping up with the info that other people paste on their pages. i.e. photos of new babies etc.
Ok so now I have started this I guess I have done what has been asked of me. Now I can get back to the real work..........