Monday, October 22, 2007

#14 Technorarti

I just wondering how or when I would want to use this especially in a library situation. Afterall this is not necessarily 'factual' information. A lot is heresay or down right junk.
I guess if you are just playing around for fun and you require links.........or see what others thought or perhaps it's great for business and you could link your business name!!!

# 13

Well one could say this is a time waster, but addictive. Bookmarking is useful for business' and I can see how you can have all your links listed and would be great used in a family/wedding/ gathering blog. Maybe even Genealogy could be used. You can be describing Grandma and up she pops in photo form and a bit about her history!
I see it like a web page but you go off on different tangents.......the further you search the further you go and sometimes you only find yourself or your bookmark by looking for it again.
Schools/Kids pages could use this for kids that love to follow paths, like the choose a path or pick a page storybooks.
All in all a great learning tool.

Friday, October 12, 2007

#11 Library Thing

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One forgets that we read some great literature during our years at high school. Above is a small sample of my English lit. classes from years gone by. One of these books, My Brother Jack was recently, well a couple of years ago made into a mini series for television. This made the public aware of the book and the library had to buy new copies. Just shows you that television, movies etc still have links back to literature. One of the English subjects for Yr 12 students these days is books that have been made into films. How often do we see a book title becoming popular after the film is released. Shakespeare has never been so popular!

# 10 Image generators

#9 Finding feeds that I like!

#8 RSS - My Yahoo

I have 'My Yahoo' already set up with most of the feeds I like. I do like the ability to set up my stock market fantasies apart from the headlines and weather. I have now added Unshelved for a little more humour in my day.
So I'm going to give Bloglines a miss this time round. I'm sure Bloglines is a great service but there is only so much you can join online.