Thursday, November 29, 2007

#23 Final Learning 2.0

I quite enjoyed running through this exercise although time was a factor needed to get things done at home rather than in the office. I did learn a few new websites and few new tricks, some useful some not. In general I think everyone should have a go at this exercise, one to learn what a blog is and then the fun things available.
Thank you Learning 2.0

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

#22 Ebooks

I love Audio books in general so you are talking to the do need to love the reader though. I once had a series of books and by the time I got to the third book the library had bought an audio book published by a different company so that meant a change of reader so after about 20 cassettes I then had a "different character voice" I can see that ebooks would be very useful to children who don't read but who love their Ipods! Courier drivers! & Outback travellers..

#21 Podcasting

I find the is a useful site in general for most things new in the land of 2.0. They seem to be on top of technology and what the public want. They also have a lot more money to spend or employ someone fulltime on this venture!
Of course there is also video podcasting and their page is also great.
I can see this as useful for the web page as an instructional tool...

#20 Every Mum's You Tube

I feel every Mum worker should have access to You tube for stress release!

Monday, November 5, 2007

#19 Web 2.0 awards

I like the usefulness (or not) of the cocktail builder! Great for using up the little bits of alcohol in the cupboard. (if one was bored) Wouldn't be too good for the teenages......goodness knows what they could mix up!

Friday, November 2, 2007

#18 Online productivity

I'm a lover of Google Zoho doesn't get my vote. I can see the benefits of using this if you are away from your home computer, or you don't want to buy the software.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

#17 Playing around with PBwiki

I could get hooked on the plcmclearning PBwiki travel page.........Ljubljana
So many places to see so little time.........retirement is looking good for me, but how can I convince my husband to keep working??

# 16 So what's in a wiki?

Wiki's are a very useful tool. I can see a use for them in public library's. We ran an activity where people could leave comment about a book they had read to be wrapped (an extra sleeve) around the book for the next person to read and decide whether they agreed with the previous person or the publishers comment this could be useful to set up in Wiki.
Similar to the Booklovers-Princeton Public Library.

#15 Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and into the future

I'm not too sure where technology is going to take us in the has already come further and a lot quicker than I would have imagined a couple of decades ago when I started in a small country library using the brown's card system. The years seemed to have flown past!
The articles were interesting reading as are reading the comment made by everyone on this exercise.